Author Archives: Office of Open Learning

ChatGPT is the most popular brand of a new set of text generating tools that are popping up all over the Internet. It is a new chatbot that will give often human-like responses to almost any kind of question. Here is a simple example. The answers given by ChatGPT are…

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Created By: Natalie Delia Deckard

Assistant Professor of Criminology, University of Windsor

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Written By: Caiti Casey

Bounce Back Program Administrator, Student Success and Leadership Centre, University of Windsor

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Written By: Ms. Lilian Bahgat

Review Counsel, Community Legal Aid, Faulty of Law, University of Windsor

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A conversation with Alec Couros, Director, Centre for Teaching & Learning (CTL) and Professor – Educational Technology and Media at the University of Regina. We had a lovely, broad ranging conversation that covered snow, politics, teaching and the questions below. Can you tell us about how your Tenure and Promotion…

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Giulia Forsythe image on open scholarship

This is the fourth of our conversations with Open Education experts about how we would demonstrate open scholarship. Martin Weller, Professor of Educational Technology at the Open University in the UK has written books on open scholarship and has demonstrated it in his daily practice for over 15 years and…

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Written By: Michelle Bondy

Experiential Learning Specialist in the Faculty of Science, University of Windsor.

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Written By: Dr. Ofelia Jianu

Associate Professor, Faculty Engineering, University of Windsor

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Written By: Dr. Eahab Elsaid

Professor of Finance, Odette School of Business, University of Windsor

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Written By: Dr. Phebe Lam

Acting Associate Vice-President, Student Experience, University of Windsor

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