A conversation with Alec Couros, Director, Centre for Teaching & Learning (CTL) and Professor – Educational Technology and Media at the University of Regina. We had a lovely, broad ranging conversation that covered snow, politics, teaching and the questions below.
- Can you tell us about how your Tenure and Promotion open scholarship pitch went?
- Do you think being part of the public discussion in your field is part of your scholarship? Is it an ethical obligation?
- How much responsibility do you feel to things that you’ve said as part of your open scholarship?
- Is hosting a discussion online an act of scholarship?
- If you were going to give advice to someone who wanted to become an open scholar, what would you tell them?
I will always be grateful to Alec for introducing me to the concept of Open sharing. I responded to his request to participate in his MOOC eci380. His work has changed my vocational trajectory and continues to frame my thinking.