Thoughts on Creating an Introductory Video That Embraces The Pedagogies of Care

Thoughts on Creating an Introductory Video That Embraces The Pedagogies of Care

What is One Concrete Way to Show Care to My Students? An Introductory Video and Statement

Sample Introduction Video Suggestions

  1. Brief yet personal introduction. Tap into your personal strengths, your educational background and your personality.
  2. Express care about your students well being. Care should be shown in content, assignments and course development. In addition address online learning potential problems and solutions.
  3. Show excitement, positivity, and passion about your course. Remember, your emotions are contagious.
  4. Put students at ease about the course. Make the video simple and direct and explain some of the course logistics.
  5. Use inclusive language. This will allow all students to feel welcome.
  6. List ways you wish to be contacted and what is your preferred method. You can address how quickly you typically respond.
  7. Do not shy away from showing your imperfections and vulnerabilities. It is what makes you unique, and allows for students to further their connection with you.


“Students don’t care, how much you know until they know how much you care”-John. C Maxwell

This statement has always been critically important however this year its importance should be placed at the forefront of many educators’ minds, as they look to design their courses for the fall. 

As professors it is important to find one concrete way to show care to our students at the beginning of the semester. Take 90 minutes to create an introductory video, and statement to connect with your students, and help build the foundation for the semester.

The students will connect with you personallyand have enhanced understanding of the course logistics. It is this humanizing introduction of yourself and the connection and description of the course that will help set the stage for enhanced student success!

ExeExemplar Created By Dr. Bonnie Stewart
Assistant Professor of Online Pedagogy & Workplace Learning, Faculty of Education
University of Windsor
Twitter @bonstewart

Here is a sample video script Dr. Bonnie Stewart utilized and further personalized some key points on how to create this video resource, and an introductory statement.

When I think of my Course Design for the FALL 2020, I wonder if anything is MISSING?
